4 Project Showcase
The goal for this deliverable is to share the outcome of your project with your classmates and optionally the broader research community. The goal is to develop our skills for presenting our work in a compelling, precise, honest, and convincing way to others who can benefit from the ideas we produce.
Expected Showcase Format
- Webpage option: If you would like to highlight your project with a webpage that can be included in portfolios or linked on social media, for exmple as illustrated here, contact Anthony to help with formatting.
- Video option: This should be a self-contained video (i.e., please include title, group members’ names, brief description to methods and results). No limit on video length but should describe your projects clearly. Please make sure the instructional team have access to your video.
- Poster option: More details coming.
Showcase Deadline
The project showcase will take place in discussion section on April 22nd.