3 Written Report
The goal for this deliverable is to share the findings of your research in the form of a written paper with peers in the field.
Expected Report Format
Student teams in DeepRob should complete a written report documenting their paper reproduction and algorithmic extension as part of the final project. The project report should include the following sections: a paper abstract, an introduction, a related work section, a section describing your algorithmic extension, your experimental setup and results, and finally a conclusion. Final reports are expected to be 4-6 pages, not including references. Students are expected to typeset their reviews using LaTeX in IEEE conference style. A LaTeX report template is provided for your convenience. You may write your review collaboratively using online LaTeX tools, such as Overleaf.
Useful Resources
How to Write a Great Research Paper: Advice from Simon Peyton Jones, Engineering Fellow at Epic Games.
Save the cat!: The last book on screenwriting you’ll ever need.
How to create a better research poster in less time: Advice on how to create effective research posters for once your paper has been accepted to a conference. Crucially, your posters should capture the viewers’ attention and convey your key findings clearly. Also take a look at part II!
Report Deadline
The written report is due Monday, April 28th by 11:59PM EST. Students in DeepRob should submit the following under Canvas “Final Project” assignment:
- An IEEE-style written report (with related work, algorithmic reproduction and extension method descriptions and results).
- Link to codes/datasets. This can be included as a section in your written report.