2   Paper Reproduction & Extension

The goal for this deliverable is to gain experience crafting a small research project. In this project your team will work to reproduce an existing state of the art deep learning algorithm then propose, develop and evaluate a technical extension that improves some aspect of the existing model (i.e. improved accuracy, reduced compute budget, increased generalization, etc.).

Paper Reproduction

In this part of the deliverable, your team will practice the skills needed to reproduce the results of existing research. For this deliverable, your team should choose a paper related to deep learning and robot perception that you find interesting and reproduce at least one quantitative or qualitative result published in the original paper.

Algorithmic Extension

In this part of the deliverable, your team will propose and develop a new component of the algorithm you reproduced. The expectation is that your extension will build on the paper reproduction deliverable by using your reproduction as a starting point and baseline for the extension. For this extension, your team should plan how to analyze your proposed extension, and execute on the plan by implementing and evaluating the ideas you propose in the project proposal.

Useful Resources

  • The Seminar Papers: The collection of seminar papers was chosen to give broad coverage within deep learning for robot perception. The papers from this list can serve as great subjects for your final project.

  • Papers With Code: A repository tracking public codebases associated with published papers and datasets in machine learning.

Paper Reproduction & Extension Deadline

The algorithmic extension is due Monday, April 28th by 11:59PM EST. Students in DeepRob should submit their paper reproduction and algorithmic extension along with the other final project deliverables (paper reproduction and written report) as a ZIP file via canvas. Your submission should be documented and organized such that the course staff can replicate your extension and reported results.